Title Boxing Adjustable Speed & Agility Hurdle 2.0 – Agility Ladder, Speed Ladder, Boxing Training, Speed Training Equipment, Agility Training Equipment, Footwork Hurdle, Speed Hurdle
Improve your footwork, Speed and Explosiveness
Easily portable and collapsible
Each Hurdle Measures 18” across and can adjust up to 14” tall
The TITLE Boxing Adjustable Speed & Agility Hurdle 2.0 is an ideal training tool to improve your footwork, Speed and Explosiveness. Easily portable and collapsible, each hurdle measures 18” across and can adjust up to 14” tall. Hurdles sold individually.
Improve your footwork, Speed and Explosiveness
Easily portable and collapsible
Each Hurdle Measures 18” across and can adjust up to 14” tall
Sold individually
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